“Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare.”

—Commonly claimed as a Japanese proverb

The Vision Studio, Inc.

We are a do-good startup. That means our organization prioritizes the betterment of people and the planet, above all else.

This one-page website includes all of the pertinent information about the studio, its founder, and progress towards our visionary, inaugural offering.


A studio is a workshop, a place for experimenting with new ideas, forging creation. The Vision Studio exists to help humanity see the big picture and experiment with our place in it.


A stakeholder is a profile of the human-beings a social impact organization serves. Our beloved stakeholder is the do-gooder. A do-gooder is someone with a good heart, and is well-intentioned, but whose efforts to effect positive change are lacking or ineffective.


Our mission work centers on envisioning a better future and leading the way. We will accomplish this by offering products, services and partnerships, exclusively to charitable foundations, nonprofits and worker-owned cooperatives. Meeting the do-gooder on their home turf.


Our mission work, is that of the visionary. A visionary is someone who uses their ability as a seer and innovative prowess to envision a better future. Therefore, our offering must help transform our beloved stakeholder, the do-gooder, into visionaries.

Visionary In-training

Meet the Visionary In-Training. An offering that bridges vision with action. That means we help do-gooders both, 1) clarify their vision of a better future, and 2) take effective, iterative actions that moves us all in the direction of that optimal existence.

Features include step-by-step knowhow, tools, learning activities, real world examples, and what will become, a network of support.

Our offering is proverb inspired. A proverb is an insightful saying that passes on hard-won learnings from one generation to the next. For as long as our founder can remember, the following Japanese proverb has spoken to her:

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare".

Suffice to say, the Vision Studio, Inc. heeds the wisdom of the above proverb.


After years in R&D (research and development), the studio is moving into an effort that focuses on readying our visionary, inaugural offering for launch. We are currently seeking funding with donations, awards, grants and loans to make this happen.



Help us, help do-gooders
become visionaries.

We humbly request your help funding an effort that focuses on readying our visionary, inaugural offering for launch.

Consider contributing to the:

GoFundMe Campaign


Let me introduce myself. My name is Laura Alison Fish, and I'm the founder of The Vision Studio, Inc. This entrepreneurial effort began with asking myself, and then answering, an important question.

Question: What do I want in life?
Answer: I want to make a big difference in the world, with positive change, doing what I love, being my most authentic self.

I'm proud to say I did everything necessary to self-fund my fledgling venture over the past three years. This meant significantly down-sizing, including selling my car. I also graciously accepted my parent's hospitality, living rent-free in the loft above their garage. Famous startups have gotten their start in a garage. Mine, above a garage.


On a personal note, in the recent past (in my early 40s) I learned that I'm on the autism spectrum. With acceptance, I am now deeply grateful to understand who I am, more than I ever have before. I'm able to reframe a lifetime of challenges to see the benefit of what I can contribute to the world. Autism helps me look at the world's differences, differently. Within those differences I see beautiful potential. And now, I am able to carve out the way towards a better future—with vision.

Autistic traits were a disadvantage during the first 15-years of my career working in big business. However, autistic traits are proving to be essential must-haves for a founder launching a do-good startup.

Finally, I'm on the right path.

Laura Fish, Founder-CEO/CVO

“Every human-being has an inner visionary ready to emerge.
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

Laura Alison Fish
The Vision Studio, Inc. 

Say hello.

The success of this type of work is wholly dependent a network of good folks. So get in touch. I look forward to chatting.